My intention – keep my body healthy!

I recently moved to Gotland to be closer to my grandchildren. After spending a couple of days with the youngsters, 18 months and five years, I realised I had to get into shape or I’d never keep up! Over the years I’ve done pilates, yoga, senior strength training andsince moving to sweden, walking with poles.

A recent page on Zen Habits  (Leo Babuata’s blog) was about overcoming resistance by challenging us to try getting fit or at least make a commitment to ourselves to do it!

I’m taking up the challenge!

Yesterday I did a whole hour of yoga – great program by Shelly Nicole on Youtube –

Felt great although I couldn’t manage the balancing bits so well!

Today I did 45 minutes in the forrest with my walking poles and really enjoyed it – the wild flowers, smells from the trees and birds song all around.

Thanks Leo for the challenge – great motivation and incites as well!



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